1. Write a love letter when you’re feeling loving
Its purpose is to express your depth of feeling – your unrestrained emotions.
It’s not like a shopping list that you can jot down just by picking up a pen.
The intensity of those feelings hitchhike on the words and will be “felt” by the
2. Hold the image of your lover in your mind, and open your heart to them
Let it flow. Capture the emotions that arise from your core. Expressing them
adds an eloquence seldom evoked by daily conversations. The language of love is
as artful as a dance. Its goal is to delight, rather than to inform. To caress
with emotional undertones, rather than to bludgeon with facts.
3. Avoid any practical matters that puncture the mood
This moment is an escape from the tyranny of routine responsibilities. That
will come back soon enough. For the moment, only your beloved matters. It’s
often said that love is timeless – sink into the timelessness of it. It’s a
profound experience – a bonus for writing from (and with) the heart.
4. Take your time in the writing and polishing of it
Short or long, this is a unique mode of communication. It doesn’t follow the
rules of grammar or business correspondence. Savor the writing experience –
you’re doing it for them. Avoid second-guessing what you’ve said (the mind wants
to jump in and edit, but doesn’t speak this language well).
5. Use adjectives and descriptive images to “paint” a picture with words
A love letter creates an alternate reality. One that the heart desires – and
shares with another. And in it the rest of the world is held at bay. Don’t feel
shy about writing "poetically" to evoke an emotional response. But don’t force
it either. Get into specific details about every aspect of their personality,
behavior, etc. Don’t worry about saying too much; a person never gets bored by
hearing too many wonderful things about himself or herself.
6. Speak what’s true for you – what your feelings believe
Truth takes on its own shades of meaning when it comes to romance. Your
letter should tell what’s true about them (or your relationship) in your eyes.
When you say “you’re the most wonderful person…” with sincerity, it’s absolutely
7. Realize that a love letter is a frame of mind that helps to keep love
And it can and should creep into aspects of your relationship. Expressing
love is active. Don’t simply say it, demonstrate it. In a hundred little ways.
That’s how the “ties that bind” are created.
8. Express appreciation for who they are, and why they’re important to you
That person is special – and special to you. Make sure they know it. Unlike a
“Thank You” note (which has a sense of obligation about it) this is a “Thank
Heaven for You!” note.
9. Escape your romantic routines, so your passionate messages stay fresh
The goal isn’t to be “good at love letter writing.” It’s not a technique to
be mastered (though you will get better as you continue). The best ones arise
from passion. Their authentic and sincere message arises spontaneously. You want
to keep re-discovering each other, so your relationship keeps growing.
10. Add extras that delight the emotions and senses
Consider the whole package – not just the words you write. Weave an
enchanting experience rich in sensuous details. Handwritten on special paper Add
scents. If possible, choose the time and method of delivery.
Deliver a Soon-to-be Treasured Memory
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