Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Different Cultures and Their Wedding Dresses

Weddings customs can be distinct in each culture. In every culture the wedding dresses tend to be different especially when you go to different religions and such. I was surprised of how diverse the attire is for each culture. There is a lot of more intricate dresses than just the simple white wedding dress. If you look at wedding customs, from wedding rings to dresses around the world, you will notice how they vary from culture to culture.
For example the tribes in the western United States will have a traditional bridal dress woven in colors: white for the east, blue for the south, yellow (orange) for the west; and black for the north. These colors would make wonderful dresses for potential brides. Turquoise and silver jewelry were worn by both the bride and the groom in add-on to a silver Concho belt. Jewelry was believed to be a shield against the evils such as hunger, poverty and bad luck. Like numerous indigenous cultures Native Americans were very superstitious.
Meanwhile, other Native American wedding dresses are much more colorful than a standard wedding dress. A Pueblo bride to be would wear a cotton cloth tied above the right shoulder secured with a belt around the waist. Meanwhile a Hopi bride Historically would have her garments woven by the groom and any men in the village who wished to participate would. Native American brides stay away from the normal attire and use more comfy fabrics. Which make their dresses more attractive to wear.
In Asian cultures like far eastern countries the wedding traditions are fairly various in many Asian cultures the wedding color is red. The reason it is red is because it is the conventional color of good luck and austerity. Many women do choose other colors besides red. In Chinese weddings a lot of brides opt for the contemporary western wedding dress. Red wedding saris are the standard garment choice for Indian culture. They wear saris for the wedding and then traditional Indian wear afterwards.
As you can see weddings are various from culture to culture. Some wedding dresses are more intricate than others depending on the culture. Obviously western culture the dresses are intended to be traditional white. But then as you undertaking off to other cultures colors start to show up in the wedding dresses which makes the dresses various and fun.

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