Friday, July 20, 2012

The Art of Making Wine

The Art of Making Wine

The Art of Making Wine

A step by step guide for the serious amateur or beginning winemaker. The Art of Making Wine has more than fifty recipes for many varieties of grape and fruit wines. 181 Pages.

Wine Bouquet Wine Aroma Kit

Wine Bouquet Wine Aroma Kit

Wine Bouquet Wine Aroma Kit

Introducing the new Wine Enthusiast Wine Bouquet Kit, the fun learning tool you've been waiting for to help you to recognize and describe wines like a professional. With Wine Bouquet, you'll train your scent memory and learn to accurately identify a wide array of aromas in any wine. You'll learn to quickly and easily identify wine varietals and types just by smelling them. Kit includes 36 vials of the most common aromas found in wine, 36 aroma cards and complete instructions. All enclosed in a stunning gift box. Great for parties. Example aromas include: Plum, Black Pepper, Leather, Green Pepper, Black Currant, Vanilla, Tobacco, Licorice, Peach, Butter, Banana, Cork.

Can Texting Bring The Romance Back?

In today’s busy society everywhere you look someone is sending a text message. Even in our busy lives people take the time to respond to a text message. We are so busy juggling work, home life, family, school or your kid’s activity schedule that we do not stop taking a time out for ourselves and our spouses. What about the romance that brought you and your spouse together? Do you think you "don’t have time for romance?" Relationship expert Michael Fiore thinks you’re wrong… in fact, he says he can show you how to bring all the romance, love and even passion you’re missing back into your relationship, simply by pushing a few buttons on the cell phone you have in your pocket or purse right now. "Digital Telepathy" "Text messages are the closest thing to telepathy we have" says Fiore. "Simply by pushing a few buttons on your cell phone you can create a private little fantasy world between you and your boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife … where you can say or do anything without anyone else having a clue." With texting you can communicate a simple little romantic message that will not only brighten the day of your loved one and put a smile on their face but will also give you the "warm fuzzies’ for sending a meaningful romantic text that came from the heart. Michael Made Rachael Tingle Michael Fiore and his "Text The Romance Back" method have been featured on national television and radio including appearing on "The Rachael Ray Show" on Valentine’s Day, where just one of Michael’s "Magic" texts gave Rachael "tingles" and had the whole audience oohing and ahhing. The live demonstration was very awe inspiring for me so I sent a little romantic text to my husband to see if it really works. A few minutes later I got a text back telling me not to make plans for the evening that he had special plans made for just the two of us! Anyone can learn how to use tiny little text messages to bring the spark and electricity back into your relationship (even if your man is a "Romantic Numbskull" or if your woman is an "ice queen.") It’s worked for thousands of couples around the world, and Michael Fiore guarantees it will work for you. Michael also states that within 3 days of sending these little romantic text messages you will have the romance back in your life or if your significant other never had a grasp on a romantic relationship that things will change for both of you and can take your relationship to a new level. Click Here to get more information on How To Text The Romance Back

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mid-Life Crisis? 10 steps you must take now to save your life

Mid-Life Crisis
1. Stop working Thats right, you read this correct. Stop working and start living. Living with daily joy, happiness and purpose is worth striving for. It is enjoyable and refills the water glass of life with more energy, more passion and more excitement! Start by finding new work which feels like a better alignment of what you truly are interested in and either have or can learn the required abilities. Many people continue to simply work at things which they are good at but no longer have interest in. 2. Find some greater purpose Identify and find something you feel strongly about or which bothers you about the world and do something about it. For example in America, it bothers me that we are spending billions of dollars in needless wars while our own cities fall apart. We are now a nation of have and have-nots when it comes to medical care. Our educational system is deeply flawed with too much focus on scores and grades and little focus on learning; not to mention too costly as well. Pick something which really bothers you and build a life purpose around it. Your life will never be the same for the better 3. Stand up for your beliefs Dont be afraid to finally live your life through your causes. Drive yourself finally through internal reward vs. external recognition. Replace old beliefs which are no longer useful with new ones which better serve you 4. Be resilient Stay focused- strive for more happiness in your life. Make this a goal in itself. Be selfish and define for yourself what being happy really means to you. Despite the barriers and hurdles we must all cross on the journey to more meaning and fulfillment in our lives, keep this vision clear at all times 5. Stay organized and structured Have a plan for your life. This includes your daily living and your long term goals. Without a plan for ones life with clear intent, when the crisis hits and it will, your personal roadmap and plan will get you through 6. Surround yourself with love There is no need to be lonely in ones life. Surround yourself with people you love. If necessary, find new people to love and receive love from. Build up your relationships in your life which nurture and support your personal roadmap. 7. Learn to accept your mistakes This is easier said then done! We are good at beating ourselves up when things go wrong and seldom take the time to reflect when things go well. How can you be more of our own best friend? Learn to accept you as you are. Ask yourself; what can I learn from this past experience? What new wisdom can I gain from my actions? Realize that everything you do or did was for a good reason at the time. Learn to love yourself more and others will too. 8. Dont let the mundane slow you down Dont let the mundane aspects of life slow you down. Yes, laundry has to be washed, cars need gas, lunches need to be made, and bills need to be paid. Ensure however that each and every day you identify the most important actions you must take to move you towards what you want vs. what you do not want in your life. 9. Take care of your body and mind Eat well, sleep well and exercise daily. Take time each day to reflect on your feelings and thoughts. Heard this before? Well, it works. When our bodies and minds are stressed, we lose sight of our goals and what is most important to us in our lives. Writing is a good way to reflect on how you doing. Start a daily journal- just before bed; answer the question; what did I learn today about myself and others? 10. Seek joy not pain Re-align your life and your work around the sole purpose of acquiring more joy, meaning and happiness in your life. This is in abundance in the world. You just must redesign your life with the intent to create more of it for yourself. Mid-life Crisis? Refocus your attention now on what would be perfect for you in your life. Create a new vision and take small steps each and every day with the intent towards creating more joy in your life. It will make your crisis suddenly feel like a crusade. This is good.

Flower Checks - Flowers in Puerto Rico Personal Checks

Flower Checks - Flowers in Puerto Rico Personal Checks

Flower Checks - Flowers in Puerto Rico Personal Checks

Remember the flowers in Abuela's (Grandma's) garden? Bright sunny days filled with our favorite flowers are right here in the four images of these tropical Flowers in Puerto Rico Personal Checks to lighten your day with every check you write. You can almost smell the sunshine! (Photography by Robert Westmoreland.)

Flowers Address Labels

Flowers Address Labels

Flowers Address Labels

Save time with these self-adheasive address labels. These are great for identifying everything from books, video tapes, envelopes, and much much more. The African Pride series features original designs to show everyone how proud you are of your true heritage. Make sure you also look at the matching checks that go with these one of a kind address labels.

Aloha Flowers Leather Checkbook Cover

Aloha Flowers Leather Checkbook Cover

Aloha Flowers Leather Checkbook Cover

Aloha Flowers Leather Checkbook Covers are meant for top tear checks. The cover has a set of internal linings that are matched with suitable fabric. It also has an inbuilt writing shield for writing duplicate checks. There are even 6 slots for keeping credit cards, a pen holder and a window slot.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

One Dozen Pink & Yellow Roses

One Dozen Pink & Yellow Roses -

One Dozen Pink & Yellow Roses -

The graceful beauty of these expressive rose blooms are sure to uplift and inspire.

Yellow Asiatics in Green Vase

Yellow Asiatics in Green Vase -

Yellow Asiatics in Green Vase -

The beauty of nature's colorful bounty will fortify both the body and spirit.

Bear w/ 1 Dz Yellow Roses -

Bear w/ 1 Dz Yellow Roses -

Bear w/ 1 Dz Yellow Roses -

Express the depth of your sentiments by sending beautiful yellow rose blooms in a classic floral vase with a lovable teddy bear. (Other color options are available in the shopping cart.)

Reclaiming the Lost Love through Flowers

Have you spent like a decade or more in your marriage? Are you noticing a significant decrease in the level of intimacy you are showing to each other? Maybe it's your hectic work schedule that is taking all your time such that you are forgetting you have a wife to give attention and love.
Coming tired from work, you cantt even ask your wife how was her day like. You can't even bother to eat the food she prepared for you because you are too tired or you are still full from a dinner meeting with a client. You can't even seem to notice that she has pampered herself and made herself attractive just for you to take a glance of her. But these things don't hinder her to get your very precious attention. She's wearing cosmetics and perfume eve she's just home. When you come home at night, she's dressed up in her sexy lingerie, just to be ignored again. Until you noticed yourself that she has lost interest in these things. Coming home at night, there's a food prepared for you but your wife is soundly snoring at your room. Waking her up would just result in turning to the other side of the bed. This isn't the scenario you would want to end up. Making matters worse, you noticed one time that your wife has slept with the computer still on. Browsing through the history of the websites she had visited exploded a surprise before your eyes. Your wife is visiting the sites of online florists daily. Your wife has now been consuming her whole time browsing through the galleries of online florists. She was dreaming of receiving some of those beautiful flower arrangements comprised of her most favourite flowers. The sight of these websites should have made you ponder that your wife is traveling back in time. She's traveling back to the days when you'd suddenly come from her behind and hand a bouquet of beautiful red Kunming roses for her. Munching over to her reminiscence of these sweet moments along with the things she had done in the past brings you to a realization that you ignored the attempts she had made to ignite the spark of your love again. If this is your case, there is no better thing for you to do than to surprise her with a flower delivery service in an instance when she's not expecting it. With the assistance of an online florist such as, you can select a flower arrangement that your wife will best like. Choose arrangements comprised of flowers she wants the most. Ensure that the colours are her likes too. Include an order of the wine you both enjoy to drink while you were just dating. Instruct the florist to have the flowers delivered before you get home. You'll be surprised in return for the thing you think is a simple task you've done. But for your wife it's an important time she'll never forget for it's when you have responded and brought back the lost spark in your relationship. Be prepared for hugs and kisses she'll shower you. Don't forget to drink the wine and grab the opportunity to profess your renewed love towards an intimate night that will both take you to satisfaction.See how a bunch of roses can make a difference in your relationship!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Fragrant White Lilies -

Fragrant White Lilies -

Fragrant White Lilies -

Whisk someone away to the serene beauty of the Irish countryside with this festive, eye catching bouquet.

Orchids & 2 Dz Roses Galore -

Orchids & 2 Dz Roses Galore -

Orchids & 2 Dz Roses Galore -

This is an elegant and unforgettable expression of love or appreciation. The washed out look soothes the senses and leaves a long lasting fragrance. Beautiful orchids and roses. (Other color options are available in the shopping cart)

Roses & Orchids Galore -

Roses & Orchids Galore -

Roses & Orchids Galore -

This is an elegant and unforgettable expression of love or appreciation. The washed out look soothes the senses and leaves a long lasting fragrance. Beautiful orchids and roses. (Other color options are available in the shopping cart)

One Dozen White Roses -

One Dozen White Roses -

One Dozen White Roses -

The simple, yet stunning beauty of these classic roses will thoroughly convery your sentiments. (Other color options are available in the shopping cart.)

One Dozen White Roses -

One Dozen White Roses -

One Dozen White Roses -

The simple, yet stunning beauty of these classic roses will thoroughly convery your sentiments. (Other color options are available in the shopping cart.)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Danger of Dating a Married Man

The title says it all. Dating a married man is dangerous by default. In fact danger is an understatement of what comes about when you date a man that already has his own family of his own. Not only will you be put to shame by his family, but you will also be put to shame by your own family. The craziest thing that you could experience is being tormented by guilt of breaking a family that could have been perfect without your presence. His children will be compromised and his wife will have trust issues concerning you.
Another danger of dating a married man is the risk of getting too emotionally attached. Humans by nature want to have something that they cannot get. It is our nature to always want to explore beyond boundaries. The only problem is that if we cannot get hold of ourselves when we make a decision to play around with emotions.
The real problem occurs if we decide to nurse our feelings more by and making it something tangible towards the person that is already married. When this happens, desire for security comes along. When this Aside from that happens, inevitably we will want to have the man for ourselves even if we know that that thought is complete insanity.
As a result, we will try our best to get a hold of the man. We will research about his family, his children his wife and form rationales about why he decided to date other girls. Then, we try to rationalize the logic that the the reason why he searched for other women is because his wife is very boring, not that pretty or lacks the fun that he had when he was still single. These reasons make us believe false hopes that we are better than his wife when in fact all there is are false hopes expectations.
The real reason why men date other women even if they are married is because of human nature’s urge to find attraction and affirmation that they are still attractive. Therefore, never believe that you are better than his wife if dating a married when a married man comes flirting with you man comes in your life. Instead, set aside of that risky circumstance and find other men that will love you fully and not partially.

Using Interesting Pick Up Lines

There are many people that actually suffer through various sources of social anxiety and difficulties in meeting people. These sources of anxiety and stress are often known to be present when actually trying to begin a conversation and make it more meaningful to turn into something more. This initial anxiety is often overlooked when using interesting pick up lines in an easy and effective manner.
Pick up lines are the phrases used to help make sure that interest is captured from another person. These are typically phrases that are known to be successful when actually gaining the desire from someone else to actually carry the conversation further than just an initial phrase. These are most often phrases that are utilized by men on women for various social setting reasons.
Most people looking to use phrases to meet others often attempt to make them as interesting as possible. There are multiple phrases that are known as being very stereotypical and often campy in many respects. Keeping these phrases interesting usually increases the chances of actually meeting someone great.
Men should always make sure that any phrase used initially is very specific to each person. Using compliments and specific phrases is often a cornerstone of flattery which is always a great ice breaker. This usually makes them want to pay attention to what is being said.
Humor is definitely a major source of making sure these phrases used are interesting. The use of pick up lines is always seen as a primary proponent of ensuring that all factors of this particular process are successful. Say something funny initially to ensure their interest is captured.
Using interesting pick up lines is finally inclusive of making people actually think about what was said. Using any thought process of anyone is usually quite effective at keeping them engaged in the conversation. Keeping them engaged in the conversation can quickly lead to something more.

Different Cultures and Their Wedding Dresses

Weddings customs can be distinct in each culture. In every culture the wedding dresses tend to be different especially when you go to different religions and such. I was surprised of how diverse the attire is for each culture. There is a lot of more intricate dresses than just the simple white wedding dress. If you look at wedding customs, from wedding rings to dresses around the world, you will notice how they vary from culture to culture.
For example the tribes in the western United States will have a traditional bridal dress woven in colors: white for the east, blue for the south, yellow (orange) for the west; and black for the north. These colors would make wonderful dresses for potential brides. Turquoise and silver jewelry were worn by both the bride and the groom in add-on to a silver Concho belt. Jewelry was believed to be a shield against the evils such as hunger, poverty and bad luck. Like numerous indigenous cultures Native Americans were very superstitious.
Meanwhile, other Native American wedding dresses are much more colorful than a standard wedding dress. A Pueblo bride to be would wear a cotton cloth tied above the right shoulder secured with a belt around the waist. Meanwhile a Hopi bride Historically would have her garments woven by the groom and any men in the village who wished to participate would. Native American brides stay away from the normal attire and use more comfy fabrics. Which make their dresses more attractive to wear.
In Asian cultures like far eastern countries the wedding traditions are fairly various in many Asian cultures the wedding color is red. The reason it is red is because it is the conventional color of good luck and austerity. Many women do choose other colors besides red. In Chinese weddings a lot of brides opt for the contemporary western wedding dress. Red wedding saris are the standard garment choice for Indian culture. They wear saris for the wedding and then traditional Indian wear afterwards.
As you can see weddings are various from culture to culture. Some wedding dresses are more intricate than others depending on the culture. Obviously western culture the dresses are intended to be traditional white. But then as you undertaking off to other cultures colors start to show up in the wedding dresses which makes the dresses various and fun.

Easy Ways to Do Get Your Man Back

The initial step on how to get back together with your ex is to determine why exactly the breakup happened. Even though you are able to return into the past to alter the reason why the breakup happened, you are able to learn from the mistake and attempt to learn from it.
No matter what the reason for the breakup was, you have to discover the particular details so you are able to find out how to handle the circumstances in the future. You may hear a lot of advices on how to get back together with your ex, however, if you do these simple steps; you will certainly get your ex back. But this time you prefer to keep the relationship together.
The next measure is to make sure you do not make yourself appear needy. As an alternative stay solid, let your ex watch that you are okay by yourself, and show every person around you that you are confident and happy by just having yourself. Appearing needy or desperate will only push your ex further away, so ensure to maintain your confidence to get him back to you.
Trying to make your ex jealous is one of the worst things you can do if you wish to get back with your ex, because all it is going to do is show him that you have moved on and that he must do the same. As an alternative, you prefer him to think that he was the best thing in your life, and that nobody compares to what he had to provide you.
By boosting his assurance without seeming needy, he will definitely soon comprehend the two of you were wonderful together despite the small match or differences. Additionally, avoid getting upset if he is watching another person, since you will definitely be able to stop it no matter what you attempt.
Setting up a meeting to talk with your ex is the best means to sort out the problems the two of you are having as long as you’ve followed the classes outlined in the sites below 1st.
If you go in unprepared, or do exactly what most people do, not only will a get-together by having your ex not produce you two getting back together, it will most likely end up making things worse.
Getting back by having your ex is isn’t rocket science, but you must ensure you are behaving effectively to make him realize he is more desirable off with you. Acting needy or childish will only push your ex further away, which is the opposite of exactly what you desire to do, right.

How to Get Your Girl Back– Gaining Her the Right Technique

Being dumped creates an incredible feeling of rejection inside of you. This feeling of rejection can have a profound effect upon your emotions, regardless of how solid your relationship in the first place. Even if you were about to break up with your partner, having them do it to you does cause havoc in your head. This havoc will probably lead you to want to get back together with them at all costs. In order to do this you need to take certain actions. Here are some hints, therefore, on how to get a girl back after a break up.
The first thing you have to do is to stop contacting them. Every single fiber in your body is going to want to do this. You are going to want to text them, call them up, go to their door, talk to their good friends, and do everything else in order to get close to. This, however, is the last thing you should do.
Exactly what led to this to be the circumstances? It happens to be a signal of being pathetic and needy if you seek to get in touch with them. These happen to be 2 of the most unappealing characteristics that you can definitely represent as well as by doing this you happen to be merely visiting put them off also further. You aren’t going to get the conclusions you prefer if you strive to have them take you back. Activities converse a hell of a whole lot louder than words.
Your actions, therefore, need to connect with yourself. In the end, what can you hope for by convincing them to take you back? If they have determined that they don’t want to be with you then you cannot do anything about this. What you can do, however, is to take steps in order to make yourself as appealing as possible.
Strive to improve your self-confidence. One of the bad consequences of happening to be unloaded by a husband happens to be a declined sense of confidence. This transpires typically. Therefore, you should observe enhancing your self-assurance so that you look as tempting to everyone around you.
By doing this and certainly not getting in touch with them you could properly get them concerning you. If you have actually ignored them then the opportunities happen to be incredibly higher then they will definitely happen to be speculating what you have actually happened to be getting up to. Interest as well as intrigue happen to be highly effective feelings as well as they’ll be interested in just how your life happens to be going.
It’s remarkable if they do get back to you. Do it yourself when you feel like a fast catch up talk. Throughout your meet demonstrate you’ve changed yet do not discuss the break-up.
Do all this as well as you may adequately see them calling you up for a refreshment or yet another project. Commence to hang out just as good friends and proceed from there.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Palm Beach Marriott Singer Island Beach Resort & Spa

Palm Beach Marriott Singer Island Beach Resort & Spa

Palm Beach Marriott Singer Island Beach Resort & Spa

Palm Beach Marriott Singer Island Beach Resort & Spa > PBI > 3800 N Ocean Dr > Singer Island > FL > 33404>

Situated on a Singer Island beach, this family friendly luxury property is close to Port of Palm Beach and John D. MacArthur State Park.

Palm Beach Marriott Singer Island Beach Resort & Spa has a health club, an outdoor pool, a spa tub, and a steam room. The onsite spa at this 4.5 star property offers massage and treatment rooms and beauty services. Business amenities include a business center, wireless Internet access, meeting rooms for small groups, and business services. Palm Beach Marriott Singer Island Beach Resort & Spa has a restaurant, a bar/lounge, and a poolside bar. 24 hour room service is available. Event facilities consist of a ballroom, conference rooms, and banquet facilities. This is a smoke free property (fines may apply for violations). This property is self catering.

Amenities featured in guestrooms include DVD players, air conditioning, and coffee/tea makers. In addition, amenities available on request include hypo allergenic bedding and wake up calls. Additional amenities offered include clock radios and slippers. Guestrooms have LCD televisions with premium TV channels and pay movies. Business friendly amenities include multi line phones, desks, and direct dial phones. Balconies are featured in all guestrooms. All guestrooms offer kitchens with microwaves, refrigerators, and cookware/dishes/utensils. Bathrooms feature separate bathtubs and showers, bathrobes, and designer toiletries. Guestroom services include a turndown service, in room massage, and housekeeping. All guestrooms at Palm Beach Marriott Singer Island Beach Resort & Spa are non smoking.

>The preferred airport for Palm Beach Marriott Singer Island Beach Resort & Spa is West Palm Beach, FL (PBI Palm Beach Intl.) 12.8 km / 8 mi.

Distances are calculated in a straight line from the property’s location to the point of interest or airport and may not reflect actual travel distance.

Distances are displayed to the nearest 0. 1 mile and kilometre.

Beach Terrace Inn - On The Beach

Beach Terrace Inn - On The Beach

Beach Terrace Inn - On The Beach

Beach Terrace Inn - On The Beach > SAN > 2775 Ocean St > Carlsbad > CA > 92008>

Luxurious little hotel on a big sandy beach
Beach Terrace inn is delightfully private, and terraced on the sand along the azure waters of the Southern California coast, each carefully appointed oversized guest room attends your every comfort. At once both wired and relaxed, here you may surf the net or surf the waves, walk to fun nightlife or lose yourself on miles of sandy beaches. Convenient to North San Diego's business centers, Camp Pendleton, La Jolla, Del Mar Racetrack, world class golf, deep sea fishing, LegoLand and shopping.

Ocean breezes calling you
Right on the beach and drenched in sunshine. Come rejuvinate in our oceanfront guest rooms, where outside of our private beach entrance, you can jog along miles of sandy beaches or, instead, enjoy the view at our oceanfront swimming pool. Retreat to our spacious guest rooms, and fall asleep with the waves as your soundtrack. Start out mornings in the Ocean Lounge and gaze out on the big blue Pacific over our free continental breakfast.

Tranquil. Intimate. Serene.
Beach Terrace Inn standard rooms offer 345 square foot partial ocean view room with plenty of natural light and ocean breezes, plantation shutters, posh pillow top mattress wrapped in 300 thread count linens, 42” plasma TV, free Wi Fi, iPod dock, work desk and wet bar with a refrigerator and coffee maker. Each spa bathroom has a spacious glass enclosed shower stall big enough for two or more, a rainfall shower head, luxury eco friendly amenities, and organic cotton waffle weave robes.

Golf at courses that host the Masters, take a limousine wine tasting tour, go deep sea fishing from the neighboring harbor. Rent a board and catch the waves or rent a bicycle and explore miles of flat trails, or take a stroll through scenic Batiquitos Lagoon Nature Preserve.

The Beach Terrace Inn is tucked against the sea in the heart of Carlsbad Village, boasting 30 restaurants from micro brewery to hand tossed pizza to fine dining, live music venues, dancing, twice weekly farmers markets, antique shops and boutique retail, all in a quaint seaside village setting.

>The preferred airport for Beach Terrace Inn On The Beach is San Diego, CA (SAN San Diego Intl.) 49.7 km / 30.9 mi.

Distances are calculated in a straight line from the property’s location to the point of interest or airport and may not reflect actual travel distance.

Distances are displayed to the nearest 0. 1 mile and kilometre.

Days Inn Myrtle Beach/Surfside Beach Resort

Days Inn Myrtle Beach/Surfside Beach Resort

Days Inn Myrtle Beach/Surfside Beach Resort

Days Inn Myrtle Beach/Surfside Beach Resort > MYR > 15 S Ocean Blvd > Surfside Beach > SC > 29575>

This Surfside Beach hotel is situated near the beach. Area attractions include Myrtle Beach State Park.

Days Inn Myrtle Beach/Surfside Beach Resort has a seasonal outdoor pool. The property offers business services. Days Inn Myrtle Beach/Surfside Beach Resort has a restaurant and a bar/lounge. Room service is available during limited hours. Additional amenities include ATM/banking services and an elevator (lift).

Televisions are equipped with premium cable television channels and HBO. Guestrooms provide in room safes. Guestrooms feature microwaves and refrigerators. Bathrooms offer hair dryers. Additional amenities include air conditioning.

>The preferred airport for Days Inn Myrtle Beach/Surfside Beach Resort is Myrtle Beach, SC (MYR) 9.7 km / 6 mi.

Distances are calculated in a straight line from the property’s location to the point of interest or airport and may not reflect actual travel distance.

Distances are displayed to the nearest 0. 1 mile and kilometre.

Holiday Inn Express Myrtle Beach-Broadway at the Beach

Holiday Inn Express Myrtle Beach-Broadway at the Beach

Holiday Inn Express Myrtle Beach-Broadway at the Beach

Holiday Inn Express Myrtle Beach-Broadway at the Beach > MYR > 1290 Oleander Dr > Myrtle Beach > SC > 29577>

This Myrtle Beach property is close to Ripley's Aquarium, MagiQuest, and Broadway at the Beach.

Holiday Inn Express Myrtle Beach Broadway at the Beach has an outdoor pool and a pool. Business amenities include high speed Internet access and business services. Additional amenities include a concierge desk, multilingual staff, and air conditioning in public areas.

Amenities featured in guestrooms include speakerphones, air conditioning, and coffee/tea makers. Business friendly amenities include complimentary wireless Internet access, multi line phones, and desks. Bathrooms provide shower/tub combinations and hair dryers. Rollaway beds are available on request.

>The preferred airport for Holiday Inn Express Myrtle Beach Broadway at the Beach is Myrtle Beach, SC (MYR) 5.8 km / 3.6 mi.

Distances are calculated in a straight line from the property’s location to the point of interest or airport and may not reflect actual travel distance.

Distances are displayed to the nearest 0. 1 mile and kilometre.

Courtyard by Marriott Miami Beach-South Beach

Courtyard by Marriott Miami Beach-South Beach

Courtyard by Marriott Miami Beach-South Beach

Courtyard by Marriott Miami Beach-South Beach > MIA > 1530 Washington Ave > Miami Beach > FL > 33139>

This family friendly property is located in the historical district, in Miami Beach, close to Lincoln Road Mall and Flamingo Park. Also nearby are Miami Beach Convention Center and Lummus Park Beach.

Courtyard by Marriott Miami Beach South Beach has an outdoor pool and a fitness facility. Business amenities include wireless Internet access, meeting rooms for small groups, and business services. Courtyard by Marriott Miami Beach South Beach has a restaurant and a bar/lounge. Event facilities include conference rooms. The staff can arrange dry cleaning/laundry services. Additional amenities include valet parking, laundry facilities, and barbecue grills.

Amenities featured in guestrooms include air conditioning, coffee/tea makers, and clock radios. In addition, amenities available on request include wake up calls. Guestrooms have cable/satellite television with premium TV channels, HBO, and pay movies. Business friendly amenities include multi line phones and voice mail. Bathrooms provide hair dryers and complimentary toiletries. Guestroom services include housekeeping. Rollaway beds are available on request.


Additional fees and deposits may be charged by the property at time of service, check in, or check out.

>The preferred airport for Courtyard by Marriott Miami Beach South Beach is Miami, FL (MIA Miami Intl.) 14.7 km / 9.1 mi.

Distances are calculated in a straight line from the property’s location to the point of interest or airport and may not reflect actual travel distance.

Distances are displayed to the nearest 0. 1 mile and kilometre.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Write A Love Letter ON Your Body

Have you seen the movie "What the Bleep"? There is a great scene in that movie where the body-hating star breaks through to loving her body. She starts to draw hearts and love messages all over herself and relaxes into appreciation instead of loathing.
We're taught a lot of things to do to our bodies. Work it, sculpt it, starve it, push it, train it, discipline it. Most of them are not pleasant. What about loving it? What if we treated our bodies with love and tenderness?
Okay, it sounds a little sappy, I know. But really think about the idea for a moment. WHAT IF you made a decision to treat your body with the ultimate in kindness?
How would your body feel if you...
* Fed it the best, most delicious, most nutritious foods
* Gave it just the right amounts of food to feel light and full of energy
* Pampered it with fun movement
* Let it nap or rest when it was tired
* Treated it to healing massages and long soaks in warm water
* Noticed all the wonderful, beautiful things about it and overlooked its flaws
Writing love letters all over yourself is a great way to make friends with your body. It's much harder to assault your body with overeating when you know you have "I love you," hearts, spirals, "thank you," etc. written underneath your clothes.
Adopt self-nurturing as a way of life. Your body will LOVE YOU for LOVING IT. You will naturally live at your own perfect weight without effort or strain. Treat yourself well and love your body into the peak of health.

Write Your Own Love Letter in 6 Easy Steps

You want to tell your partner how you feel about them but you end up staring at a blank screen for so long you give up. Or you try a few lines only to delete them all and start over. Again. Why is it so hard to tell the loved one in our life exactly what they mean to us? Do you struggle to find the words to properly convey how you feel? Or is it that you just can’t explain it? Don’t let words get in the way of telling your loved one how much they mean to you.
Everyone wants to be loved. When you are busy living life, there never seems time to slow down and really savour that central relationship that makes it all worthwhile. Oftentimes we think that those closest to us know exactly how we feel about them and how important they are to us. But the sad reality is that often they don’t.
So how can you write a love letter that you will feel proud to give and one that your loved one will cherish for all time? Where do you start? Follow these easy tips below and you’ll be on your way in no time.
1. First write down 5 things that you love about your partner and be as specific as possible. Rather than writing that they are kind, instead be detailed about how they are kind. Perhaps they always smile at waiters in restaurants or they are great at making people feel included, especially at parties.
2. Write down 5 things that they have done that confirms how much you love them and again, give examples. Perhaps they enveloped you in a hug last night when you were feeling frustrated about your family. Or maybe they knew how disappointed you were when you missed out on that promotion and they cooked a special meal to cheer you up.
3. Pick the best three examples from each of the above categories and weave them into your letter. You could start by saying ‘I love how you…’ and then include the three examples from the first point. Then you could say something like ‘I loved the way you…’ and then mention the other examples. Make sure you emphasise how their actions made you feel, how loved you felt and how grateful you are to have them in your life.
4. It is best to write up a draft first and then go over it to see if you can improve it. Sometimes it helps to write up what you want to say, edit it until it flows well and then leave it for a day or two before going back for a final edit and polish.
5. Buy some special paper and write out your letter. Don’t worry if your handwriting isn’t perfect – it’s distinctly yours and your loved one will appreciate the time and effort you put into the letter. If you feel your writing is so bad it will be difficult to read or if your illegible handwriting is something you’ve argued about before then pay to get it hand written by a professional. At a stretch you could use a more romantic font on your computer, say Garamond in italic, but you should really only do that as a last resort. The more personal you can make your letter the more your loved one will treasure it.
6. Think about how you plan on delivering this letter to them. Will you slip it in their briefcase? Mail it? Leave it under the pillow? Do you want to be there when they open it? If you want to see their reaction, then it is best to hand it to them. You could team the letter up with a small gift like flowers or chocolate but make sure the gift doesn’t diminish the letter as you want that to be the main focus.
If a birthday or anniversary or other special occasion is involved you’ll want to include mention of that too.

Ten Commandments to Write a Heartfelt Love Letter that Conveys “I Love You”

1. Write a love letter when you’re feeling loving
Its purpose is to express your depth of feeling – your unrestrained emotions. It’s not like a shopping list that you can jot down just by picking up a pen. The intensity of those feelings hitchhike on the words and will be “felt” by the receiver.
2. Hold the image of your lover in your mind, and open your heart to them
Let it flow. Capture the emotions that arise from your core. Expressing them adds an eloquence seldom evoked by daily conversations. The language of love is as artful as a dance. Its goal is to delight, rather than to inform. To caress with emotional undertones, rather than to bludgeon with facts.
3. Avoid any practical matters that puncture the mood
This moment is an escape from the tyranny of routine responsibilities. That will come back soon enough. For the moment, only your beloved matters. It’s often said that love is timeless – sink into the timelessness of it. It’s a profound experience – a bonus for writing from (and with) the heart.
4. Take your time in the writing and polishing of it
Short or long, this is a unique mode of communication. It doesn’t follow the rules of grammar or business correspondence. Savor the writing experience – you’re doing it for them. Avoid second-guessing what you’ve said (the mind wants to jump in and edit, but doesn’t speak this language well).
5. Use adjectives and descriptive images to “paint” a picture with words
A love letter creates an alternate reality. One that the heart desires – and shares with another. And in it the rest of the world is held at bay. Don’t feel shy about writing "poetically" to evoke an emotional response. But don’t force it either. Get into specific details about every aspect of their personality, behavior, etc. Don’t worry about saying too much; a person never gets bored by hearing too many wonderful things about himself or herself.
6. Speak what’s true for you – what your feelings believe
Truth takes on its own shades of meaning when it comes to romance. Your letter should tell what’s true about them (or your relationship) in your eyes. When you say “you’re the most wonderful person…” with sincerity, it’s absolutely true.
7. Realize that a love letter is a frame of mind that helps to keep love alive
And it can and should creep into aspects of your relationship. Expressing love is active. Don’t simply say it, demonstrate it. In a hundred little ways. That’s how the “ties that bind” are created.
8. Express appreciation for who they are, and why they’re important to you
That person is special – and special to you. Make sure they know it. Unlike a “Thank You” note (which has a sense of obligation about it) this is a “Thank Heaven for You!” note.
9. Escape your romantic routines, so your passionate messages stay fresh
The goal isn’t to be “good at love letter writing.” It’s not a technique to be mastered (though you will get better as you continue). The best ones arise from passion. Their authentic and sincere message arises spontaneously. You want to keep re-discovering each other, so your relationship keeps growing.
10. Add extras that delight the emotions and senses
Consider the whole package – not just the words you write. Weave an enchanting experience rich in sensuous details. Handwritten on special paper Add scents. If possible, choose the time and method of delivery.
Deliver a Soon-to-be Treasured Memory

Love Letters Deliver “Body Language” to Reinforce Words of Love

Love Letters are a Sensuous Mode of Communication
A love letter to a sweetheart speaks more directly to the heart than any other form of writing. Words chosen for their emotional overtones feel like poetry. They spin a web of attraction that arouses and entices the senses.
"Sensuous" is often used as a synonym for sexy. But it’s more accurate definition is "to delight the senses" - all of them. Romance is sensuous because all the senses participate in the experience. A declaration of love that speaks directly to them ignites passion - because that’s how the emotions and senses express approval. Words Take a Back Seat to Feelings for Love Letter Receivers
In face-to-face communication we all "read" each other - the speaker’s gestures, facial expression, confidence, enthusiasm, etc. Any sour note or inconsistency undercuts the credibility of what’s being said. Each of our senses report confirming impressions; or whether something "smells fishy." When words "ring true," we’re inclined to trust. Our guard goes down a few notches.
Body language communicates faster and more accurately than words can. WHAT is being said is less important than HOW it’s being said. That’s not fresh news. But most people fail to realize that written words carry hitchhiking messages as well. And a love letter even more so.
Use words that "speak" for the senses: "the smell of your hair"..., "the feeling of the breeze that stirred up the...". That adds potency and imagery to your declaration.
A Love Letter Says "I Love You" in Multiple Ways
The point of almost all communication (spoken or in writing) is to be logical - to persuade the rational mind. A love letter does quite the opposite - sending its message to the heart.
A love letter is sent only to a particular person, with a desire to strengthen the bond between the sender and receiver. Taking the time and effort to write a heartfelt love letter makes the receiver feel primary - ahead of everything else. It’s very un-naturalness delivers a potent declaration in its own right.
Although sending one is effective during courtship, a love letter is equally desirable for those in long-tem relationships. You really can’t say "I love you" too often, or in too many ways. The trick is in finding creative and fresh ways to say it anew.
Presentation Bolsters the Loving Message
The "message" the receiver gets includes all those impressions that accompany the letter itself. We like to think that we communicate with what we say - the words. But in truth, people trust the other senses more. So deliver the letter in a way that demonstrates such nuances.
Think beyond the letter’s words. Involve the senses in the experience of receiving and reading it. Add sensuousness to your message by creating at total experience - all reinforcing the importance of your relationship.
A unique way to stand out is by sending your love letter by Pixel Post. Your words of love are posted on an online "billboard" of loveletters, as well as on its own web page The announcement is then sent to the beloved - a private and public declaration of love at the same time. You can be sure your message will stand out and be appreciated. The Body Language of Your Letter "Speaks" to All the Senses
- Vision - Looks good, on high-quality or colored paper. Use a pen and write it with your best penmanship. Edit and recopy if necessary. Emails and word-processed emails flunk the vision test.
- Hearing - The crinkle of the paper is a plus. Suggest they have a particular song playing when they read it, for example.
- Smell - A squirt of your perfume or after-shave in a time honored addition - the receiver senses your presence.
- Touch - Paper choice is important since 30% of the message is received by the fingers, before a word is read. Textured and heavy-weight paper says you’re substantial and credible. Why not put something touchy-feely in the envelope too?
- Combination of them - The whole should be more than the sum of specific sense impressions - their overall effect should say "You’re special!"
Never doubt that a love letter pays off in a relationship in many ways. Keeping that practice alive is a vote for romance.

Friday, July 6, 2012

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Lily Garden Basket -

Lily Garden Basket -

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